Віра Кравченко
Віра Кравченко

Закінчила Київський національний лінгвістичний університет (факультет французької мови), Київський гештальт-університет. Зараз має приватну клієнтську практику.

"Початково мій зв'язок з англійською редакцією сентиментальний — в 70-х роках тут працював мій нині покійний тато. Я пишаюсь своєю англійською мовою і рада ділитись своїми навичками в цьому полі. Щиро кайфую від роботи в студії. Я насправді дуже сором'язлива людина, і радіо — це місце, де можу відчути себе побаченою, без того, щоб буквально бути побаченою", — каже вона. 

Більшість життєвої енергії Віра направляє в працю, але коли має вихідний, присвячує його друзям, своєму песу Роджеру і котам —  Маленькому Лорду и Коте. Дуже любить свій дім і дбати про нього.

За життям Віри можна стежити на її фейсбук-сторінці.

Передачі з архіву Українського радіо

23.11.2022 03:00:05 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.

16.11.2022 03:00:20 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.

09.11.2022 03:00:11 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.

06.11.2022 03:00:05 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.

30.10.2022 03:00:08 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.

26.10.2022 03:00:05 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.

23.10.2022 03:00:07 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.

19.10.2022 03:00:10 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.

05.10.2022 03:00:05 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.