Олена Любиченко
Олена Любиченко

Закінчила Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка (за спеціальностями "Викладач фізики та математики" та "Викладач англійської мови і літератури"), Національну академія державного управління при Президентові України (магістр державного управління), Дипломатичну академію України при Міністерстві закордонних справ України (магістр зовнішньої політики), аспірантуру Навчально-наукового інституту публічного управління та державної служби Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка (кафедра глобальної та національної безпеки).

Розпочала свій творчий шлях у серпні 2018 року на посаді редакторки редакції мовлення англійською мовою головної редакції програм іноземними мовами Українського Радіо. Авторка та ведуча суспільно-політичних, культурних, історичних програм англійською мовою "Акценти", "Інтерв'ю серед тижня", "Україна: шлях до незалежності", "Знайомтесь: Україна!". 

"Українське Радіо надихає та мотивує мене від першого дня моєї роботи у стінах цієї чудової установи!" — каже Олена.

Любить музику, політику, літературу, історію та іноземні мови.

За життям Олени можна стежити на її фейсбук-сторінці.

Передачі з архіву Українського радіо

13.02.2023 03:00:19 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Про російсько-українську війну.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.

12.02.2023 03:00:05 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.

02.02.2023 03:00:13 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Про російсько-українську війну.

 Every day, Ukrainian Radio prepares a digest of the most important news about the russian-Ukrainian war in the format of short podcast. We offer only reliable information from confirmed sources: reports on the course of the war, coverages from cities attacked by russia, as well as news about life in the home front regions of Ukraine. If you want to be aware of the situation in Ukraine, but do not have time to read the news all day – the "Ukraine: security issue" is for you.

22.01.2023 03:00:14 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.

25.12.2022 03:00:05 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.

18.12.2022 03:00:05 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.

В передаче "Война и "русский мир", ее автор и ведущая Елена Любиченко знакомит радиослушателей с Натальей Парамоновой - президентом общественной организации "Объединение переселенцев Востока Украины и Крыма". Об уродливом лице войны, как в капле воды, отразившейся в судьбе семьи Натальи Парамоновой и десятков тысяч украинских беженцев.

09.10.2022 03:00:05 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.

02.10.2022 03:00:05 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.

25.09.2022 03:00:12 Ukraine: Security Issue — EN

Actual news about the russian-Ukrainian war.

Every day, Ukrainian Radio offers a digest of the most important developments in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Providing only trustworthy information from reliable sources in the format of a short podcast, we report on current events and cover the situation in the frontline areas as well as in cities attacked by Russia. If you wish to follow the situation in Ukraine but have no time to read news reports, then listen to Ukraine: Security Issue which is made for you.